
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mother's Day... Bittersweet!

It’s been a long time since I’ve taken the time to sit down and write. Life has been crazy busy, and consuming in many ways. I’m excited to start writing again and share all that God has done in the past 6 months of our journey.  But today, I want to talk about Mother’s Day.  There is a scale of emotions for women on this day: from painful, heartbroken, just general happiness, and feelings of thankfulness to feeling absolutely treasured and adored by your family.
Mother’s Day weekend is bittersweet for me. In all honesty, heavy on the bitter,  and the tiniest dab of sweet.  I yearn for what would’ve been my almost 6 month old baby to be in my arms, to see what kind of personality she would have. What would her hair look like?  I desire to feel that “my heart is melting- I am so in love” kind of feeling when rocking my baby to sleep.  However, the Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Last April, the Lord took that baby away. His purpose still unknown, but our job is to continue to trust in His greater plan.

My friend shared a blog post with me that captured and described my heart down to the very word. Here’s an excerpt:
“Our church seemed unusually prolific, busting at the seams with round-bellied women and diapered toddlers. It often felt like work for me to walk into a room and see them for His beauty on them and not simply as women who knew this apparent “rite of passage” — that I couldn’t quite get. At times, this surfaced envy and at others just that thick ache of loss and all the “why, Lord?” questions that came with it. On days when I wasn’t running to Him with what surfaced, it was all easier to avoid than to face.”

To anyone who has been trying to have a baby, you probably feel that all the pregnant women in your city are most certainly stalking you.  And while they very well might be everywhere, I can now see it as a sign of hope…. If God can bless that couple with a child, (whether it was complicated or a happy surprise) He can most certainly do it in us as well.
Philippians 1:6 “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

…Back to Mother’s Day…

I’m excited to celebrate my wonderfully amazing Mother. She’s been more than I could ask for my entire life, and of course continues to stand right by our side through each up and down Matt and I face.  I’m excited to celebrate my mother in law, one of the sweetest MIL’s I could ever ask for.  I’m excited to celebrate my little sister, who gets to experience her first Mother’s Day with her husband and baby Caden.  I’m excited to celebrate my SIL, Miranda and the amazing momma she is to Myles and Mosley. With great sadness, I will celebrate another amazing mother Genevieve, who was like a 2nd mother to me. She was called home just 5 short days ago, and leaves behind precious 7 year old twin boys and a hero of a husband. I know she has received her crown in heaven, and I hope she gave our sweet angel a kiss. 

Genevieve’s death was a good reminder to see that EVERYONE is struggling. Sometimes it is big, and sometimes it is small. Everyone is carrying some kind of burden that aches deep in their heart.

“On a weekend when women stand and are celebrated for that glorious mundanity which is motherhood, there are just as many sitting beside them, whose hearts are sunk. The one who lost her baby this month and the other who’s logged years — not months — trying to conceive. The mama whose husband died or isn’t around to rally those troops to celebrate her and the other who has fostered children into a forever-mama’s arms but has none, yet, of her ownThe single woman who wonders, on this particular day, if femininity has to be tied to offspring, and the mother — adopting — who has no stretch marks, only paperwork, to show for her pursuit.”

So if you are a Mommy of priceless kiddos, or a proud Grandma, or a momma who has a precious angel in Heaven, or the Mommy doing it all on her own.... tomorrow I will celebrate you! Know that you are loved and cherished beyond belief. I hope you feel God’s great goodness in your life, no matter the situation you are facing.  Believe that God can and WILL do a miracle in your life. Happy Mother’s Day! 

Matt 11:29: “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”